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A Pearl of Great Price


How wonderful to know that you did not choose the Lord, but were chosen by


Chosen by Him.

How wonderful.

Jesus told a parable in which a man found a, pearl of immense value.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he went away and sold everything he

had in order to obtain it.

How beautiful that pearl must have been. This was not just any pearl. It

was unique, unlike any other. It was stunning. It was perfect.

It was imperative that no one else should possess that pearl.

And so he sold everything he had.


And imagine, once he owned that pearl, how he would have gazed upon it,

never let it out of his sight. He would never allow anyone to snatch it

from his grasp. It was worth literally everything to him.

That pearl is you. You are the unique one, the precious and beautiful pearl

that God Himself, the maker of Heaven and earth, of all things visible and

invisible, gave everything for.


He will never cease to watch over you.

He will not allow you to be snatched from His hand.

He will never leave you nor forsake you.

You were bought at such a great price, the very blood of the Lamb Himself.

He gave everything for you.

His beautiful pearl of ultimate price.

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