The cry of the psalmist was, "come magnify the Lord with me."
This was not for the Lord's benefit. He is the Lord who does not change, the maker of Heaven and earth, the Almighty.
We magnify the Lord because we need to. We need to see again and again His greatness, His majesty, His power, His love, His holiness, His mercy, His authority and His might.
Because this world will not stop trying to squeeze us into its mould.
The world would try to make you fear instead of living in that perfect love that casts out all fear.
The world would try to make you bear the burden of the times yourself instead of casting them onto the One who cares for you.
The world would try to make you criticise government instead of praying for those that God has placed in authority.
The world would have you look at the wind and the waves instead of the One who calls you to come to Him on the waters.
The world will try to make the Lord seem insignificant in the face of situations and circumstances.
But He does not change.
He does not change.
So magnify the Lord. Remember His greatness, remember that He is with you always, remember that all authority in Heaven and earth has been given to Him by the Father.
Remember He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Remember His mercies that are new every morning.
Magnify the Lord.
Praise Him.
Meditate on His word.
Rejoice in Him and declare His wonders today.
And know above all else that He is God.
May the Lord bless you today and always.