In Luke 12:32 Jesus tells us not to fear, because it has pleased the Father to give us the kingdom.
Two earthly kings in the scripture offer up to half their kingdom. King Artaxerxes offers up to half his kingdom to Esther when he sees her standing before him in royal robes. And then King Herod offers up to half his kingdom to Salome after she dances before him and his guests.
On both occasions up to half of the kingdom was offered because the king took delight in them.
The earthly king's delight was enough for up to half the kingdom.
But the King of Heaven has given us the kingdom. The entire kingdom. Jesus Himself has bestowed a kingdom upon us.
This is how the Father delights in you as His child. This is how much Jesus delights in the church, His bride.
The kingdom. Nothing less than it all.
Do you sense His delight in you today? It is total, it is pure, it lacks in no way. It is glorious in its fullness, magnificent in its infinity. There is no end to His delight in you.
So rejoice in His love, in His delight, in His favour, in the joy that He has in you, so great that He rejoices over you with singing.
The kingdom is yours, beloved ones. So do not fear. But be glad.
Praise Him forever. Worship Him in the beauty of holiness. Rejoice and be glad in Him. For He is wonderful.