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Never Forget the Cost


Do you understand how precious you are in God's sight?

Never forget the price that was paid for you.

Jesus allowed Himself to be betrayed, to be denied, to be deserted, to be falsely accused.

He allowed wicked men to pull the beard from His face, to beat Him with fists and rods.

He allowed their mockery.

He allowed them to place the crown of thorns on His head, submitted Himself to the smiting and the scourging, let them place the cross upon Him that He had to bear to Golgotha.

Never forget, Jesus allowed sinful men to nail Him to the cross. And still He allowed them to mock as He hung, bled and died for our sin.

He allowed it all.

He could have called for twelve legions of angels.

But He cried, "Father forgive them. They know not what they do."

Never forget the price that was paid.

As the sinless, spotless Lamb of God was sacrificed for you.

As the uncurseable One became a curse to redeem you from the curse of the law.

As the ever living One willingly surrendered His life to the death of the cross and was buried in a borrowed tomb.

Never forget.

This is the price He paid for you.

So that you could be raised in Him and freely receive what none of us deserved. Eternal life, forgiveness and reconciliation with the Father, His own glory placed within you, the Holy Spirit indwelling and empowering you, the adoption as sons of God.

Oh, hallelujah!

Such magnificent, holy love.

Remember the price and praise Him today for His mercy and grace.

Never forget the cost.

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