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Do not fear...

Good afternoon, beloved of the Lord.

Do not fear, nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you always, the light that shines in the darkness and whose victory is sure.

These times are not a surprise to our God and you are not living in these times by chance. Just as Esther was "raised to royal position for such a time as this", so there is a reason in the plans of the Almighty for your presence on the earth at this moment in history.

Just as Esther received favour in the eyes of the king and so he allowed the decree for destruction to be superceded, so we have favour with the King of Kings and we can have from Him whatever we ask for in faith.

In herself Esther had no influence, no sway, no ability to change the fate of her people. But she had the favour of the king and that changed everything.

We have the favour of the King of Kings, so let us boldly petition Him and see His power and authority work on the behalf of those for whom we ask for mercy.

And don't be satisfied with just one measure of mercy. Esther asked for a second day. We must be those who press in to Him in prayer and ensure the salvation of as many as possible.

We have come to royal position for such a time as this. So be bold, be earnest, be resolute and be strong. Now is the moment to see the Lord's mighty hand bringing deliverance to those who are threatened with destruction.

Bless you.


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