How wonderful it is to think back to a baby in a manger in a town called Bethlehem, the least of all the clans in Judah.
A baby in whom dwelt all the fullness of God. All wisdom, all peace, all knowledge, all love, all patience, all goodness, all righteousness.
A newborn babe who was from everlasting. The One who created time now entering into history.
A helpless infant who from before the world began holds the power to sustain all things by His word.
A child who was born with a manger for His bed, and yet is the One who supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory.
The One who even the highest heavens cannot contain, now held in a young mother's arms.
What glory, what mystery, what wonder.
The One who is life, now born that He may die.
Laying aside majesty and worship, not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many .
For you, for me, for Adam's helpless race.
How can we not worship?
How can we not, with the shepherds, praise God?
How can we not devote our lives to the glory of His name?
He is the Lord who became a servant, the sacrifice that is eternally accepted, the King who became a pauper in order to elevate us to priesthood and kingship, who has made us co-heirs with Himself.
So do not simply see a baby.
See the King.
See the One whose name is above all names.
See the One whose love brought infinity into the finite, so that we the mortal may enter into everlasting life.
And give Him and Him alone all glory, all praise, all honour. Amen
God bless you all this Christmas.